Romy Wood

February 24, 2022

Romy joined Housing Justice Cymru in September 2021 to coordinate the Hosting project for people seeking sanctuary in Wales. She is proud to be part of the powerful community of people and organisations working towards the Welsh Government commitment to becoming a Nation of Sanctuary. She works with organisations in the refugee and asylum sector and the housing sector, bringing the two together to form strong partnerships.

Before she came to Housing Justice Cymru, Romy was the Triage Lead at Welsh Refugee Council. She worked with clients at all stages of the asylum journey and issues including wellbeing, destitution, asylum support and mainstream support. She is registered at OISC Level 1 Asylum and Protection and Immigration.

Romy has a background in teaching, having taught Drama and Theatre in large comprehensive schools for ten years before moving to the Open University, where she taught Creative Writing online, at day schools and in prisons. She has also written novels and short stories.

Romy loves flying trapezes and aerial hoops. She is passionate about the power of circus and its impact on mental and physical health.

Contact Romy