What is Housing Justice offering and why?
Running or participating in a night shelter project can be extremely challenging, and even when things run smoothly, we know it can take its toll.
We are offering a ‘buddy’ scheme aimed at Project Managers whatever the job title (Scheme Coordinator, Scheme Manager, Project Manager, Project Leader, Team Leader) and whether you are paid or in a voluntary position. This could be particularly useful to those of you in small organisations where you may be the only ‘staff member’ reporting to a Board of Trustees.
How does it work?
The idea is to give you some virtual space with someone else who is working in the field. The frequency of meeting would be set by you. For example, you could agree to the same time every fortnight or month or to calling as and when with a minimum frequency agreed by you. You could use it to ‘sound off’, work through an issue that you are having or to discuss different ideas or even just have a quick 20-minute break together away from all the busyness.
We are not looking to ‘matchmake’ so will not be able to guarantee that the 2 of you would be best friends outside of this and you would set your own parameters about giving each other time at your meetings – particularly at the beginning. It is not necessarily about finding solutions but listening.
How do I take part?
If this is something you would like to be involved in email us at [email protected] with the contact details you are happy to share.