If you are considering becoming a Homes for Ukraine host, you should register your interest here

Contact [email protected] for advice or guidance about hosting, or for more information about any of our sessions.

Our host support helpline is now live, please contact 01654 550 550 and our Host Support Coordinators will be able to advise you. The phone line operates 9am – 6pm Monday to Friday.

Introduction to Hosting talks are for people considering hosting, or people waiting to receive their guest. These last approximately one hour and take place on


Host Training talks are for people currently hosting, or for people waiting to host who have already attended the Introduction session.

Host Support Workshops provide a space to share your experiences with other hosts, and reflect on how to manage difficult conversations.

Housing Justice Cymru has been contracted by the Welsh Government to provide support for hosts on the Homes for Ukraine scheme. This service is distinct to other support which is in place for guests.

Please note, we are not involved in the matching process, and cannot advise on when your guest is likely to arrive.

Introduction to Hosting

‘Introduction to Hosting’ is for those considering hosting, or those who are waiting to receive their guest.

This session includes:

  • The impact that hosting may have on yourself and your family
  • Cultural differences
  • Setting house rules
  • Safety considerations
  • Greeting your guest

If you would like to attend, please email [email protected] with your name and the name of your local authority to schedule a session. Welsh language sessions are possible.

Host Training

‘Host Training’ is for those who are currently hosting, or for those waiting to host who have already attended the Introduction session.

This session includes

  • Living together and sharing space – we share some common problems hosts are coming across
  • Your guests’ needs – including overview of trauma and listening skills
  • Selfcare – inviting hosts to reflect on their use of time, and ensure they’re not neglecting their own needs

If you would like to attend, please email [email protected] with your name and the name of your local authority to schedule a session. Welsh language sessions are possible.


Host Resources

Click here for a range of support resources.

You can also call the host support helpline on 01654 550 550 or email [email protected] with any specific questions you might have.


Os ydych chi’n ystyried dod yn noddwr Cartrefi i Wcráin, dylech gofrestru eich diddordeb yma

Cysylltwch â 

[email protected] am gyngor neu arweiniad ar westeio ffoaduriaid neu am ragor o wybodaeth am unrhyw un o’n sesiynau.

Mae ein llinell ffôn i gefnogi gwesteiwyr bellach yn weithredol, cysylltwch â ni ar: 01654 550 550 a bydd ein Cydlynwyr Cymorth Gwesteiwr yn gallu eich cynghori. Mae’r llinell ffôn yn rhedeg rhwng 9 y bore a 6 yn y nos o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener.

 Mae sgyrsiau Cyflwyniad i Westeio Ffoaduriaid i bobl sy’n ystyried gwesteio ffoaduriaid neu bobl sy’n aros i dderbyn eu gwestai. Mae’r rhain yn para tua awr ac yn cael eu cynnal ar Zoom. 

 Mae sgyrsiau Hyfforddiant i Westeiwyr Ffoaduriaid ar gyfer pobl sy’n gwesteio ar hyn o bryd neu i bobl sy’n aros i westeio sydd eisioes wedi mynychu’r sesiwn cyflwyno. 

 Mae Sgyrsiau Cefnogi Gwesteiwyr yn cynnig lle i rannu eich profiadau gyda gwesteiwyr eraill ac adlewyrchu ar sut i reoli sgyrsiau anodd.  

 Mae Cyfiawnder Tai Cymru wedi ei gontractio gan Lywodraeth Cymru i ddarparu cymorth i westeiwyr ffoaduriaid gyda’r cynllyn Cartrefi i Wcráin. Mae’r gwasanaeth hwn yn wahanol i gefnogaeth arall sydd ar gael i ffoaduriaid. 

Nodwch nad ydym yn rhan o’r broses paru ac ni allwn gynghori ar y broses yma, e.e. pryd fydd eich gwesteion yn debygol o gyrraedd.


Mae ‘Cyflwyniad i Westeio Ffoaduriaid’ ar gyfer y rhai sy’n ystyried gwesteio ffoaduriaid, neu’r rhai sy’n aros i dderbyn eu gwestai. 

Mae’r sesiwn hon yn cynnwys:
  • Yr effaith y gallai cynnal ffoaduriaid ei gael ar eich hun a’ch teulu
  • Gwahaniaethau diwylliannol
  • Cytuno rheolau tŷ
  • Ystyriaethau diogelwch
  • Cyfarch eich gwestai

Os hoffech fynychu, anfonwch e-bost atom gyda’ch enw ac enw’ch awdurdod lleol i drefnu sesiwn. Mae’n bosib trefnu sesiynau yn y Gymraeg hefyd.

Cysylltwch â [email protected] i gofrestru.


Mae sgyrsiauHyfforddiant i Westeiwyr Ffoaduriaidar gyfer y rhai sy’n gwesteio ffoaduriaid ar hyn o bryd, neu i’r rhai sy’n aros i westeio sydd eisoes wedi mynychu’r sesiwn cyflwyno. 

Mae’r sesiwn hon yn cynnwys:
  • Byw gyda’ch gilydd a rhannu lle – rydyn ni’n rhannu rhai problemau cyffredin mae gwesteiwyr yn dod ar draws
  • Anghenion eich gwesteion – gan gynnwys trosolwg o drawma a sgiliau gwrando
  • Hunan-ofal – gwahodd gwesteiwyr i ystyried eu defnydd o amser, a sicrhau nad ydynt yn esgeuluso eu hanghenion eu hunain


Os hoffech fynychu, anfonwch e-bost atom gyda’ch enw ac enw’ch awdurdod lleol i drefnu sesiwn. Mae’n bosib trefnu sesiynau yn y Gymraeg hefyd.

Cysylltwch â [email protected] i gofrestru.